Your computer cannot function properly without the help of some services that run in it. Some of these services you might not be aware of, but they are right there performing very important roles. Important functions such as data sharing, networking, gaming, security, amongst many others don’t just happen, there are services in your computer that make them happen. However, some are more useful than others, while you can actually do without, there are some others that you cant do without. iphlpsvc (IP Helper Service) is one of these services, this particular one looks strange to lots of people, and many still don’t know its role, and that’s what we are going to be explaining here.
What is iphlpsvc
iphlpsvc is also known as Internet Protocol Helper aid and its main duty is to retrieve and modify network configuration settings for the local computers. Just as the name implies, it creates the tunnel connectivity through IPv6 transition technologies.
To make it very easy for you to understand, just know that IPv6 is the latest version of the Internet Protocol (IP), it makes sure that each computer connected to the internet is assigned a special address, and what Internet protocol helper does is to provide assistance for every computer that has an IPv6 connection and any other IP-HTTPS technologies, it might also work for systems with IPv4 connection, though we are not too sure about that yet.
You might be wondering why this help is so much needed. Its because any form of failure with the service will certainly lead to failure in connectivity.
You do not need to do anything to get it installed, it comes already installed in your operating system, and it automatically starts working immediately after your system is turned on.
To identify where it is located on your Windows computer, navigate to the Start menu and type “Services“, and its location will be highlighted.
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Can It be Safely Disabled?
It is not advised to always be quick to disable any service without first checking if it is safe to disable it. In some cases, some users that have rushed to delete certain services have landed in trouble, so it’s advised you check and cross-check if you are doing the right thing.
Just to make it more clear, before you delete any services from your computer, be sure that they are not performing any function. But in this case, it is very safe to disable the IP helper service, except you are running a remote database.
How to disable IPHlpSvc (IP Helper Service) Safely?
There are several reasons why one might decide to disable the IP Helper Service. If you check very well, you will notice that there are lots of services currently running on your computer that are not necessary, IPHlpSvc (IP Helper Service) is actually one of such, and it will do you a lot of good if you get rid of it because it consumes a lot of memory space, thereby making the system to malfunction.
If you are not using IPv6 or any other IP-HTTPS technologies and you are not running a remote database, then you are advised to disable it immediately and free your system.
To safely disable IP Helper Service, follow these three formulas
Formula 1
1. Open the control panel
2. Right-click or double-click on System and Security to open it
3. Right-click or double-click on Administrative Tools to open it
4. Scroll down the list and Right-click or double-click on Services to open it
5. Scroll down slowly to locate IP Helper or any other service you want to disable
6. Right-click on the particular service you want to disable, and click Stop
7. You will be notified that the process of disabling has started, give it some time to complete. it will inform you when it’s done
8. In case you want to enable it, follow the same process, but this time you right-click on the service and click Start
Formula 2
This formula is a shortcut
1. Press the Windows key and R together to open the Run
2. Type service.msc inside the dialogue box and click OK or Enter
3. The same list just like in Formula 1 pops up. Scroll down slowly to locate IP Helper or any other service you want to disable
4. Right-click on the particular service you want to disable, and click Stop
5. To enable it back, right-click on the service and click Start
Formula 3
This method is easy but very risky, so you need to be cautious. Any slight mistake while doing this can cause you a lot of problems. You can use this formula if you are meticulous and brave enough to take the risk. Here are the steps to take
1. Press the Windows key and R together to open the Run dialogue box
2. Type CMD inside the box and press Ok to reveal the command prompt box
3. Inside the command prompt box type regedit and click Enter on your keyboard
4. Click Yes in the next box to progress
5. Inside the registry, scroll to this path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\iphlpsvc
6. Scroll to the right pane and right-click on Start and click on Modify from the context menu
7. Now input in the Value box your value of choice. Automatic 2, Manual 3, Disabled 4, Automatic (Delayed Start) 2
8. press Ok
IP Helper Service Is Not Running
Though IP helper service is set to run automatically, for some reasons one might encounter a situation where the IP Helper has refused to run as expected, and even when you decide to run it manually you get an error message pop up on your screen. Here is what to do to fix it:
1. Follow the steps mentioned in Formula 1 and get to the Services
2. Right-click or double-click on Services to open it
3. Double-click on Services to reveal the IP Helper Properties box
4. Check the Startup type to know if it is on Manual, Disabled, or Automatic(delayed startup), click the drop-down arrow, and select Automatic.
5. Click Apply and then click Ok
6. Now close the IP Helper properties box. The problem is fixed, the IP Helper Service will start running as expected.
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